Anti cafes emerge for 'Dad!' children Yoon Hoo and Min Guk
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9:30 AM
Article: Yoon Hoo's anti cafe "Huk! But he's only an elementary student..."
Source: Asia Today via Nate
1. [+1,912, -46] I have no words for this. Crazy;;;;;;
2. [+1,602, -40] And what do these people think they're doing towards a kid barely 8 years old?
3. [+1,587, -41] I wonder what kind of screwed up mind you have to have to come up with the idea of starting an anti cafe for an 8 year old child...
4. [+168, -4] Embarrassing. You can already tell what kind of people they are. A group of real life losers who feel jealous towards an 8 year old ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So pathetic ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5. [+109, -4] The people who made the anti cafe are a problem but journalists are just as much a problem for writing articles like this. Obviously they made the anti cafe for attention and journalists are only attracting more attention to it by putting this up as headlining news. How do you think Yoon Min Soo and Hoo will feel having to find out about this?
Article: As if Yoon Hoo wasn't enough, Kim Min Guk's anti cafe emerges... The ugly faces of adults who can't even view children as children
Source: OSEN via Nate
1. [+537, -15] I hope the fathers pay no mind to them. And journalists, please stop attracting attention to the issue with articles about this. No need to give attention to these pathetic people.
2. [+444, -16] ㅋㅋ So many pathetic people in the world. You really feel an inferiority complex towards children??? Tsk tsk
3. [+432, -18] The world is getting crazier and crazier... Soon they'll start anti cafes for their own mother and father...
Article: 'Junsu appa' Lee Jong Hyuk expresses rage over Yoon Hoo's anti cafe "Yoon Min Soo, pay no mind to them"
Source: Sports Seoul via Nate
1. [+530, -13] Thinking about the caring and angelic Hoo who always remembers to be grateful for, thank, and apologize for even the littlest of things makes me so upset... How can you find anything to fault in such an angelic child like him? If anything, we all have something to learn from these children
2. [+451, -13] Hoo has never shown anything on TV worthy of such treatment... And even if these children had been mean or selfish, an anti cafe is never necessary... It scares me to think that there might be people around me who could think of starting or joining an anti cafe for children. Hoo, remember that there are more people who love you than people like them. Hoovely, continue growing up to be the beautiful person you are~
3. [+401, -12] You really have to be crazy to pull something like this
Article: 'Dad' PD "Emergence of Yoon Hoo and Kim Min Guk anti cafes... Our hearts feel heavy"
Source: TV Report via Nate
1. [+88, -4] Angelic Hoo and Min Guk, we love you!!!
2. [+71, -1] Netizens, this is an issue to think deeper about. Don't just wonder how people can think of hating on children. Turn the focus to how a person can do this to another person. We're all sitting here hating on the people who made the anti cafe but I imagine that the same people here are the same people who go into other articles about adult celebrities and spew the same hate there. Whether the person is an adult or a child doesn't matter, the pain received by hate is all the same. It disgusts me to think that you find hating on children wrong but find the hate overflowing in articles about other celebrities acceptable.
3. [+54, -2] In such a cruel world we live in, this show gave me hope to see fathers, children, uncles come together, falling in love and getting closer ㅜ I hope the antis receive a thousand years of suffering!