Panties generation 2
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1:30 AM
Article: Kim Yerim's panties video... netizens 'freedom vs too sexual' divided opinions
Source: Mydaily via Nate + Daum + Naver
1. [+857, -37] Is Yoon Jong Shin crazy?... Hul, what is up with the adults lately... Stripping down kids like nobody's business
2. [+589, -22] They were really going for the controversial angle with this teaser, weren't they -_-;;; A shame because I was looking forward to her
3. [+523, -12] Why is Korea so desperate to strip down every celebrity?
4. [+416, -12] What is Yoon Jong Shin doing? He takes a talented kid and the best he can do with her is strip her down to an idol's level?
5. [+649, -77] Way too sexual... The underwear is nearly see through and the camera kept doing close ups of the area...
6. [+311, -20] I don't know why the camera kept doing close ups on her underwear, especially the front and back... How is that at all an expression of a woman's feelings after break up?? Just admit that you shot the teaser to get a controversial response...
7. [+253, -25] I thought Yoon Jong Shin would go for an innocent image for her but this is a surprise...
8. [+219, -14] Their excuse is that they were trying to express the feelings of a woman after break up? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ What a joke. Just say you dressed her in panties to create a controversy like this.
9. [+189, -11] I wonder if the company would shoot their own daughters in such a manner
10. [+156, -6] I think they used a body double... There are no scenes with both her face and body shown.