SISTAR holds comeback showcase
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8:45 AM
All I could find with comments.
Article: Dasom "SISTAR's bodies are like the friendly unni next door"
Source: Newsen via Nate
1. [+251, -56] You mean more like the friendly unni who hangs around the neighborhood arcade smoking a cigarette...
2. [+166, -31] Must be so tiring for female celebrities. Get hate if you call yourself pretty, get hate if you call yourself average...
3. [+127, -8] She looks like a white skinned Hyorin ㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+29, -4] She's looking more and more like Hyorin.... So odd...
5. [+15, -3] The same people hating in this article are spamming 'Hoo-ya, we love you!' in another article ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Source: Yonhap News via Naver
1. [+41, -6] Compared to girl groups with big companies like KARA and T-ara, SISTAR has rarely ever done any media play and has managed to get to where they are now by remaining true to their singing and dancing. Although idol groups in general have fallen off compared to K-Pop's height 2-3 years ago, I'd easily consider SISTAR a top group
2. [+25, -4] First time I'm seeing anything regarding SISTAR hooked up on Naver's entertainment ranking. They never did media play but I guess they're starting now.
3. [+30, -9] SISTAR looks like a multicultural group. You've got white skin, black skin, yellow skin, brown skin.
4. [+33, -12] Let's go to the top, SISTAR!
5. [+39, -19] SISTAR's only come so far because Soyu and Hyorin have outstanding vocals. Soyu is on Hyorin's level but it's just that Hyorin outshines her. If Soyu had been in any other group, she'd definitely be the main vocal.