Ministry of National Defense "Rain will not receive disciplinary action"
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9:30 PM
Article: Ministry of National Defense "Rain will not receive disciplinary action... to discharge on the 10th as planned"
Source: Star News via Naver
1. [+1,940, -40] So the Ministry is trash...
2. [+1,853, -31] Oh Jong Hyuk delayed his discharge for extra training... while Rain is delaying his wrong for discharge...
3. [+1,327, -20] What a joke... Other soldiers are sent to the guardhouse just for taking his hat off but these special celebrities are free of all charges even when they're drinking around, carrying around cellphones, and out of uniform.
4. [+1,312, -20] Every Korean soldier should have a drinking party after a hard day's work! After all, the ministry itself said that it's okay if it's for 'encouragement'. Rain and the other celebrity soldiers have done something great for us all!
5. [+1,273, -19] They're really trying all they can to make sure that this passes quietly, aren't they when the entire country is watching this issue.
6. [+948, -10] The show clearly showed Rain with a cellphone in possession... so why is he still being discharged on the 10th?
7. [+895, -6] So I guess all of the new recruits can enlist in civilian clothing, smartphones, and $170, right?
8. [+748, -7] Yeah, we all knew this would happen.
9. [+572, -13] Obviously they rammed money into them... The rest will receive minimal punishment as well ㅋ What a great country
10. [+422, -8] They can't punish him because that basically means they're admitting that they screwed up as admins
Article: "Rain's exclusive contract fee is $0" Rain and Hong Seung Sung's special loyalty
Source: Newsen via Nate
1. [+123, -13] Rain trash trying to media play to recover his image before his discharge
2. [+114, -15] Don't media play, you trash
3. [+91, -11] He has 600,000 active duty soldier antis and 1.5 million recruit antis... Looks like he's going to have to live an unemployed life for the rest of his life with the money he's made until now~~
4. [+20, -4] Who in their right mind would sign Rain on right now... He should be grateful he even has this company. To put it simply, his career is fu*kin over..
5. [+19, -2] Contracting around with entertainment agencies when he should be reflecting.
6. [+18, -5] This so called loyalty is only between you two. Don't media play, it's disgusting.
7. [+15, -2] Companies like this are the bigger problem for taking in trash like him
8. [+15, -3] Rain's image will forever be in the trash no matter what he does.