Street cats locked up and starved to death in fear of lowering real estate value
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Article: Group of cats discovered dead in the basement of an apartment, animal abuse controversy
Source: Financial News via Nate
An apartment complex is being accused of locking up a group of street cats in the basement and starving them to death because having street cats roaming the neighborhood will lower real estate value. An animal rights group revealed that the apartment did the same thing last fall, causing them to intervene to save what they could.
1. [+491, -77] I'm more surprised that this wasn't the first they locked up a bunch of street cats and killed them just because they thought having cats around would lower the real estate value of the neighborhood... These people really have no blood or tears for life...
2. [+490, -81] If they wanted to lock the basement up, they should've rushed out of all the cats in there first. It was obvious that they locked the cats up to kill them off. People are so cruel... the cats even had kittens with them.
3. [+420, -113] People are so selfish.. we are the ones that are taking away places for these animals to live. The animal rights association are just as at fault for not handling these matters as they arise.
4. [+36, -3] People are so cruel
5. [+30, -14] I think the so called 'cat moms' who put out food for street cats should be reported. If they want to feed these street cats so much, why don't they just adopt them into their own homes and rise them? Instead they just leave food outside, attracting flies and causing the neighborhood to smell.. then even more street cats show up knowing there's food. If you guys feel so bad for street cats, take them in yourselves.
I myself would lock all of the street cats up and kill them off if they were lowering my real estate value and meowing up a storm every night. Cat moms should realize that they may think they're doing the right thing by feeding them but they're only causing a nuisance to their neighbors.
6. [+26, -9] This makes me so sick... There are already so many kittens dried and starved to death in the streets.. I want to shed Korea of its image of animal abuse.. We still have a long way to go in terms of dealing with lost and abandoned pets as well.. What have these animals done to deserve this? I hope that this controversy is enough to spark a solution.
7. [+23, -5] Wanna know why Korea has so many animal abuse controversies? Because we raise our kids to know nothing but textbook studying instead of basic morals and character.
8. [+22, -35] I can kind of understand the people who abuse animals. -_- I myself can't stand the cats screaming outside my window every night because they're in heat. I obviously can't kill them all so I just shut the windows tight no matter how hot it gets.
9. [+18, -14] Cat moms are a joke ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They're such selfish people. I don't care about them leaving food out for street cats but they shouldn't let it get to the point where their neighbors are disturbed by it.
10. [+17, -2] People shouldn't justify killing street cats by saying they live long lives or because they're so loud... Street cats barely live three years because they're constantly under threat and have to scavenge for food. TNR is the best solution to quieting them when they're in heat. How is locking cats up and starving them to death ever a solution? Koreans are so cruel.
11. [+14, -1] Human beings tamed cats and began raising them as pets... and it is also human beings who are throwing them back out now. We need to take responsibility for them.
12. [+12, -1] All this over some damn real estate value!