Sunye plans to go on a mission trip to Haiti after child's birth
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10:30 PM
Article: "Sunye to go on a missionary service to Haiti after child birth"
Source: Newsen via Nate
1. [+672, -245] Spreading that damned religion in Haiti is obviously her job now but shouldn't getting her team back on track be a bigger priority... How can she call herself a leader and be this irresponsible... Seems like God doesn't concern himself with these things.
2. [+553, -145] Why do people do missionary trips? Just let the people who want to believe believe.. Don't force your beliefs onto others... I really don't understand people who do that.
3. [+467, -73] Just please, leave the Wonder Girls already
Article: "Sunye to go on a missionary service to Haiti after child birth"
Source: Newsen via Daum
1. [+514, -68] I will never understand... why she would go on a mission trip while leaving her 6 month old baby behind..
2. [+366, -45] I don't care about the mission trip, as long as they don't ruin another country's culture in the name of their religion.
3. [+251, -52] I hate how religious people always chalk everything up to God's grace. I'm the one buying you that damned meal, thank me not God. I can't eat with religious people anymore.
4. [+217, -37] Just do charity work, don't force your religion onto others.
5. [+195, -43] Mission trips are a nuisance to other countries and an embarrassment to our own country. No one likes having another religion forced onto them. If you insist on going there, just do charity service and leave it at that.
6. [+161, -31] She's leaving her newborn child to go on an overseas mission trip when there are thousands and thousands of children already in Korea in need of help... I really have no words of reason for religious people.
7. [+124, -13] I'm glad she's calling it a mission trip. I'm sick of people who say they're doing it all for charity when it's obvious they're only doing it to force their religion onto others. That's not charity.